Enterprise systems, mobile applications, ECMs, and cloud services

No matter where your organization lies on the technology spectrum; whether you are building IoT applications or creating AI models, you still need to deliver a good digital experience to your customers. You also need to implement internal applications to run your organization efficiently. This involves building applications that do not fail and are scalable whenever required. We recognize the complexities of building these applications and processes. This is why we have over 70 services and solutions geared towards ensuring that your enterprise keeps pace with the ever-changing tech environment.

About Us

Softweb Solutions Inc. is an Avnet company with offi­ces in Chicago, Dallas and Ahmedabad. We deliver best-of-breed AI software for IoT applications, along with providing data services and digital transformation to enterprises. Over a decade of experience with startups to Fortune 100 companies has given us the proficiency to offer strategy, design, engineering solutions, and R&D services.

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