Five critical KPIs of diesel generator sets that boost their efficiency

Five critical KPIs of diesel generator sets that boost their efficiency
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We are living in a time where electricity is as important as food, water, shelter. However, the occurrences of load shedding, power outages and other anomalies from the mains cannot be ignored. A diesel generator (DG) set is the primary go-to arrangement in such situations.

That’s why it has become imperative for the organizations that they maintain a healthy status of the DG set to continue with the uninterrupted power supply. A smooth transitioning from the traditional ways of maintaining DG sets to smart diesel generator solution is useful for the organizations to manage the health status of a DG set remotely.

This cheatsheet presents the five critical KPIs of DG sets, which upon monitoring can boost your DG set’s efficiency.

  • Condition monitoring
  • Efficiency and emission performance
  • Unplanned downtime
  • Remote management
  • 24X7 security and surveillance

While we do understand that data is the oil of the digital economy, Softweb’s philosophy doesn’t stall there. We go with data, insights, action. Our smart DG monitoring solution includes data acquisition, predictive maintenance, DG set performance optimization and energy management optimization.

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