Why enterprises should hire remote DevOps engineers

Why enterprises should hire remote DevOps engineers
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The COVID-19 pandemic has driven IT organizations to undergo major functional and operational changes, including the remote work culture. And today as most software development companies are following at least some of the DevOps practices, the sudden transition to remote work culture has also impacted their DevOps processes.

Everything in DevOps, from development to integration is continuous. So, to keep things continuous is a matter of great concern for almost every software development organization during the transition to this new remote work culture.

In this changing time, most enterprises are grappling to keep their DevOps approach continuous while streamlining their development and operations. While some have already realized the need to hire a remote DevOps engineer to overcome the challenges imposed by the sudden shift.

75% of DevOps initiatives through 2022 will fail to meet expectations due to issues around organizational learning and change. – Gartner

If you are also looking for an experienced DevOps engineer for your project, this blog post is for you.

Common software product development challenges

The end goal of any enterprise is to formulate a high-quality product. The same is the case with software development organizations. But as new software development and automation tools and technologies are emerging day-to-day, companies face varied challenges. Some of the major software product development challenges include:

  • Delays and consistency issues in software development and delivery
  • Production and automation issues
  • Migrating the legacy infrastructure to the cloud
  • Providing faster quality testing, development and modularity
  • Better communication and quicker resolution of issues
  • Third-party integration and interface issues

No matter how big or small your software product development problems are, all you need to do is embrace DevOps (if you haven’t already) and hire technically sound remote DevOps team.



The need to hire remote DevOps engineers

The new normal is driving software development firms to create a culture of remote working and shift towards true digital transformation in DevOps. And if your enterprise is going digital, then DevOps is all about enforcing a culture of enabling developers, operations and QA teams to work closely as a team at every stage of product development and production more effectively.

So, if you want to ensure that your dev and ops teams are working together in today’s digital-first era, then all you require is to look for remote DevOps professionals with the right set of skills who can help you to deliver innovation in an agile and trusted manner. However, in the current environment, your company’s first priority must be to continually monitor your product quality and shift towards automated testing at a very early stage in DevOps.

To sum it up, DevOps is more about achieving best performance and streamlining your software development and deployment processes. And this is why you need to hire experienced DevOps professionals – remote DevOps developers or consultants – to mature to the next generation of software development and drive improved performance.

Some of the other reasons why you need to hire a remote DevOps engineer are:

  • Streamline infrastructure and update configurations
  • Automate builds, tests and development processes
  • Innovate and deliver outcomes internally and externally
  • Improve DevOps Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery pipelines and the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Eliminate collaboration and communication confusions between Dev and Ops teams

Who is a remote DevOps engineer?

As the term DevOps is coined out of two words ‘development’ and ‘IT operations’, a DevOps engineer is someone well-versed with both. A DevOps engineer is responsible to enhance an enterprise’s infrastructure security protocols, carry out DevOps test automation implementation, maintain CI/CD pipelines, and continuously monitor everything related to software development.

A remote DevOps engineer is also responsible for performing all these tasks along with automating, delegating and monitoring infrastructure, but remotely without being present on the premises. However, in the era of remote working, every IT organization must bring the development and operations on the same page, if it is not. And who else than a remote DevOps developer can be a better option to do it.

Besides, helping you to ensure that your ‘dev’ and ‘ops’ departments are not siloed, remote DevOps engineers can also assist you in spurring automation and digital transformation. So, a remote DevOps developer can be the hero of your enterprise.

What are the main responsibilities of remote DevOps engineers?

Infrastructure automation – Ensuring consistent performance with traditional systems and monitoring manual tasks is quite time-consuming. But remote DevOps engineer can help you to migrate your legacy infrastructure to the cloud, automate it at every level of the software development and to configure it with code to practice infrastructure as code (IAC), which will save your time.

Collaboration and coalition – A remote DevOps developer can also help you to create a more effective cross-functional culture and ensure that your development, operations and QA team remain a team during the entire course of the software development process i.e. until your end goal is achieved.

Multitasking with flexibility – The ongoing pandemic is an opportunity for you to hire a DevOps specialist who can help you to manage multiple tasks from getting client requests from different departments to ensure that the quality of your end product is not impaired at any cost.

Ensuring utmost security – Security is one of the prime aspects of DevOps. And in every DevOps process, from streamlining and automating the software development process to maintaining CI/CD, security is at stake. But DevOps developers are always quite vigilant about security and their way of ensuring safety includes protecting the cloud against cybercriminals or viruses to enhancing application resilience.

Perks of hiring a remote DevOps engineer

  • Reduced cost of the server environment
  • Faster and reliable deployment of applications
  • Enhanced flexibility, applicability and support
  • Increased product predictability, efficiency and security
  • Save time and resources on project initialization, releases, builds, etc.

Remote, yet together

If your organization realizes the need to migrate to the cloud and usher in a true digital transformation in DevOps, then now is the time to hire a DevOps developer who can help you to succeed with DevOps while working remotely. DevOps developers can take a lead role in spurring digital transformation, keeping your business afloat and driving more value. If you are looking for DevOps engineers, then get in touch with us.

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