What you need to know about mobile inventory management system

What you need to know about mobile inventory management system
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The term inventory management is associated with a complex system of tracking and maintaining of inventory in a warehouse. The complexity depends on the size and type of storehouse. However, if the process of inventory management has not taken earnestly, one can really get into serious chaos. For instance, if retailers are not adept to stock adequate inventories, it is going to be an unpleasant situation for them and, at the same time, if the retailer tends to overstock it, there would be a chance of loss. Therefore, it has become a serious responsibility for them to manage and maintain the entire inventories, which are expected to make their incoming and outgoing of the products and goods in a systematic way.

Inventory management applications

With the modern technology, we have several inventory management applications and those genuinely lend a hand to the staff in managing the whole inventory management system. It helps in optimizing the supply-chain management activities including stocking, taking the count of the stock, assessing the mobility of stock, reordering, etc.  The inventory tracking software does a responsible task of tracking and controlling the whole stock in a warehouse. A mobile device is connected to the entire system that helps easy transfer and update of data related to the stock management. A barcode printer acts as an adoptive measure in keeping the record accurate. Another feature, the barcode scanner enables up-to-date as well as accurate data entry information through barcode scanning.

Mobile Inventory Management Applications

Well, the time brings scores of niceties to our lives!  Mobile technology has marveled each and every aspect of human lives. However, we must agree on the fact that the business filed has the creamiest portion of it! It comprises all sorts of business including retail and its distribution network. The traditional way of managing inventory is outdated. Now it is all about having mobility in your working environment using these amazing software by tracking and managing the goods in the inventory conveniently. The truth is that no one wants to leave a single stone unturned. With the help of mobile applications, those staffs which are on the field get aware of the current scenario as the information is updated and the data is accessible in the real-time by the entire staff connected to it. Therefore, it creates a completely new progressive environment for a production unit.

Understanding the warehouse situations accurately in no time

The warehouse staff is expected to be updated on the status of stock at all times. Inventory management software helps in identifying the situations like overstocking or understocking. Both the situations need to be addressed carefully for the efficient future operations. In these circumstances, the high quality applications are certainly meant to ensure better management and if it is on a mobile platform, it would double the work efficiency. If the company has fortified the staff with mobile application devices, then there wouldn’t be a chance of wastage of inventories.

Case Study


Inventory moving quickly

The mobile technology is making a significant headway in the field of business and it effectively assists in its ongoing process. The superior freedom offered by the mobility in any field has become the most valued factor now. It has been already proved that the staff can easily manage the inventory & warehouse information using handheld devices. It gives detailed information on the entire lifecycle of the stock. It helps in real-time cycle counts. If the company has an extensive warehouse setup, especially spread over to other locations, it’s inevitable to have such mobile stock tracking devices with those involved in managing such warehouses. The mobile devices help in mobilizing the info among the multi-site, multi-warehouse setup effectively. This in turn allows the entire process of inventory management works quickly and effectively.

Let the work be done comfortably and cost effectively

With the high popularity of mobile data access, order management system, asset tracking, and service management have become more in line with real-time activities and thereby created a difference in overall processing time and benefited in cost cutting while keeping the standard of service high. At this point, we do not need to mention that how comfortable you are when you have a mobile data access while you are engaged with a process that focus more on customer care and satisfaction. The moment you start using a mobile device to streamline the work process, you will find that everything falls into the place pleasantly.

Sheer advantages of mobile inventory management in a large scale supply chain/distribution environment

  • Ability to accomplish inventory management tasks as the staff can access and update the data from anywhere.
  • Empowers the user with real-time access as well as it allows a precise view of inventory status on a move.
  • Incorporates inventory management with any existing warehouse back-end system at one go.
  • Ensures better control over remote and mobile asset data.
  • Ensures accurate physical cycle counts.
  • Efficient receiving processes such as receipt inspections and asset verification.
  • Better mobile inventory tracking and management by employing bar code and RFID.
  • Manage and maintain inventory with cycle counting. Check and confirm inventory status.
  • Easy to scan the inventory at remote store locations and warehouses.
  • Cut short the data entry errors with barcode scanning.
  • Enhances transaction accuracy with real-time data validation.
  • Reduces inactivity due to the utility of mobile devices.


To sum up, we have just analyzed various benefits of inventory management system especially when it is done with the help of a handheld device. As the world is revolving around such mobility concept, adopting these devices to any work environment will let the entrepreneurs reap rewards. It is all about keeping up with the time we live in, and we cannot stay idle when everything around us is moving quickly and smartly!

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