Get interactive visualizations with the power of d3.js

D3.js is a JavaScript library that is used for data visualization. With D3.js, you will be able to convert complex data into easy-to-understand insights. It has all the full capabilities of latest browsers and no limitations of proprietary frameworks.
This video is about an interactive visualization of criminal occurrences across 10 states in the US. The map displays the number of crimes committed in each state. On selecting the particular state, the chart shows a breakdown of the types of crimes that have taken place.
Key features of D3.js:

  • D3.js is reusable. Bind arbitrary data to DOM.
  • Creates interactive SVG bar charts.
  • Generates HTML tables from data sets.
  • Variety of components and plugins to enhance abilities.
  • Built-in reusable components for ease of coding.
  • An open source project on GitHub.
  • Flexible according to your project requirement.

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