Sales and profit report generated in Power BI

Power BI is a collection of Microsoft powered visual services with intuitive interfaces for consumers and business users across the company, to generate accurate business intelligence spreadsheets.
In this video, we are displaying country-wise sales and profit report generated in Power BI.
In the upper left corner, you will be able to see total units sold by product and their selling price with the tree map.
In the upper right corner, you can also see the profit by country and product in the area chart. It also provides detailed information of monthly profit by product through combo chart (bar and line) where bar represents average sales per month and line indicates average profit.
In the lower left corner, the visualization provides in depth knowledge of date-wise profit using Sankey diagram, where you will be able to see product-wise profit for a particular month where the thicker lines indicate higher profit.
The last diagram is scatter plot diagram that gives detailed information of the number of units sold for each product along with its price and date.
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