Understanding the top ten benefits of migrating to Microsoft Office 365

Understanding the top ten benefits of migrating to Microsoft Office 365
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Microsoft Office 365 is a suite of cloud apps and services that meet the needs of rising organizations’ day-to-day activities. Earlier Microsoft Office was limited to on-premises, while the new Microsoft O365 package offers a wide range of capabilities via cloud hosting services.

“Nearly 600k companies in the United States use Office 365 as of February 2020.”- Statista

Yet, many companies are yet to fully realize the potential of Office 365 and are hesitant to implement it, as it requires switching to the cloud. Office 365’s previous iterations had basic office apps, but among the plethora of new features, Microsoft Office 365 suite now offers;

  • Automatic updates
  • Easier file sharing
  • Higher storage capacity
  • Improved security measures
  • Increased mobility and flexibility

Download our guide for an overview of Office 365’s true potential and remove any questions you may have about migration.

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