Application managed services in manufacturing: Challenges and benefits

Application managed services in manufacturing: Challenges and benefits
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Modern organizations consider applications as the backbone for their business. They help in driving operations and fostering customer engagement. However, there are certain questions that bother today’s manufacturers, such as:

  • Is our team drowning in application maintenance, leaving no time for strategic initiatives?
  • Why are we struggling to find the expertise needed to keep our applications secure and running smoothly?

Application managed services (AMS) can be your lifeline, ensuring business continuity, optimizing costs, and freeing your internal team to focus on what matters most. In this blog, we have highlighted manufacturing challenges, how AMS can address them, and benefits offered by managed service providers in manufacturing.

Key business challenges faced by manufacturers

  • Legacy systems: Many manufacturers still rely on outdated legacy systems that are difficult to maintain, lack modern features, and can’t integrate well with new technologies.
    • Solution: Application managed services can help modernize these systems, migrate data and functionalities to new platforms, and ensure a smooth transition.
  • Integration of disparate systems and data silos: Manufacturers often have multiple systems and applications across different departments, leading to data silos and integration challenges.
    • Solution: Managed services providers can help integrate these disparate systems, enable data sharing, and provide a unified view of operations.
  • Supply chain visibility and optimization: Effective supply chain management is critical for manufacturers, but achieving end-to-end visibility and optimization can be complex.
    • Solution: AMS can provide specialized supply chain applications, analytics, and collaborative platforms to streamline operations and enhance collaboration with suppliers and partners.
  • Balancing IT needs with core competencies: The core competency of a manufacturer lies in building products and streamlining production.
    • Solution: AMS frees up internal IT resources to focus on strategic initiatives directly tied to manufacturing success, like production line optimization and automation.
  • Cost optimization and operational efficiency: Maintaining and managing applications in-house can be costly, especially for manufacturers with limited IT budgets.
    • Solution: Managed services can help optimize costs by leveraging economies of scale, streamlining operations, and implementing cost-effective solutions.

Top 5 reasons for manufacturers to consider outsourcing application managed services

Access to specialized expertise and resources

Manufacturers often lack the in-house expertise and resources required to manage complex applications and IT infrastructure effectively. By outsourcing to a managed services provider, they gain access to a team of highly skilled professionals with specialized knowledge in application management, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies. This expertise can help manufacturers stay ahead of the curve and leverage the latest technological advancements, like:

  • Enterprise resource planning systems
  • Manufacturing execution systems
  • Computer-aided design (CAD) software systems

Focus on core business operations

By outsourcing application management, manufacturers can shift their focus from non-core IT activities to their core business operations. This allows them to allocate internal resources more effectively, streamline processes, and concentrate on strategic initiatives that drive growth and competitive advantage, such as:

  • Optimizing production lines
  • Implementing industrial automation initiatives
  • Developing cutting-edge products

With a managed services provider handling the complexities of application management, manufacturers can devote their attention to enhancing product quality and improving customer satisfaction.

Improved compliance and security

Manufacturers often operate in highly regulated industries and must comply with various industry-specific regulations and security standards. Managed services providers (MSPs) specializing in application management have extensive experience in ensuring compliance with these regulations and implementing robust security measures. By outsourcing to these providers, manufacturers can mitigate risks, maintain regulatory compliance, and protect sensitive data and intellectual property from cyber threats.

  • Safeguard your intellectual property
  • Prevent costly data breaches
  • Minimize disruption to your operations

Business continuity and disaster recovery

Manufacturing operations are susceptible to various disruptions, such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or system failures, which can have severe consequences for productivity and revenue. Managed services providers offer comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery solutions, ensuring that critical applications and data remain accessible and recoverable in the event of unexpected disruptions. This helps manufacturers to:

  • Minimize downtime
  • Maintain operations
  • Protect their business from potential catastrophic losses

Improved operational efficiency and reduced downtime

Application managed service providers proactively monitor your applications around the clock, identifying and resolving potential issues before they can disrupt your operations. This not only prevents downtime on the factory floor, but also ensures that your applications are performing at their peak, meaning faster processing times and smoother workflow.

This translates to:

  • Less downtime on the factory floor
  • Applications performing at their peak
  • Faster processing times
  • Smoother workflow
  • Increased production output

MSP services in manufacturing

  • Assess and plan: Identify critical applications and define your goals (e.g., increased productivity, reduced downtime). Choose an MSP with experience in manufacturing and your applications.
  • Implement: Migrate data securely and establish clear expectations with service-level agreements (SLAs).
  • Manage and optimize: The MSP handles routine tasks and security, freeing your IT team for strategic projects. Regular reports keep you informed.

The future of manufacturing with application managed services

Manufacturers who embrace innovative solutions like managed services will be well-positioned to thrive. By partnering with application managed service providers, manufacturers can free up internal resources, optimize operations, and achieve a significant competitive edge.

A reliable MSP, like Softweb Solutions, allows you to focus on your core competencies – building high-quality products and driving production excellence – while ensuring your applications are secure, efficient, and ready to scale with your success. Contact our consultants to discuss your requirements for application managed services.

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