Enabling enterprise mobility for healthcare and life science industry

Enabling enterprise mobility for healthcare and life science industry
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Healthy stresses the absence of disease and frequently indicates energy and strength. Everyone wants to be in the pink always. People have started taking care of their health than never before. Now, they have become more conscious about their health. As a result, they need to know more about life science and their various aspects. In the ever-changing world, mobile technology is playing a great role in the field of healthcare and life science organizations.

To stay competitive in the global market, health and life science organizations have started implementing mobile applications in their organizations. Mobility keeps hospitals, medical device manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers and healthcare providers active and be connected. Most of the time people are on the move and they want quick information. They do not have time to read books and get the details. Mobile devices are the best source for getting information when you are travelling.

There are many types of mobile applications available in the market. Different kinds of users are benefited from these mobile applications. Mobile solutions provide long-term benefits for the health and life science industry through better connectivity and streamlining their operations. Mobility has changed the working style and working environment of the industry.



Challenges before Enterprises

Technology relevancy has more questions, which needed to addressed are:

  • How mobile technology will help all types of users like doctors, patients, employees?
  • How quickly people will get information on their devices?
  • What will be the data transmitting speed?
  • How much investment is required for implementing mobile applications?
  • How much it will benefit the health and life science organizations?
  • Customer’s satisfaction will be improved or not?
  • What kind of devices will be used for accessing information?
  • How data will remain secure?
  • How to select the right mobile applications for your organization?
  • Is there any improvement in response time or not?

All these are minor questions, which can be easily sorted by organization experts or consultant.

Before Mobility

It is a fact, that before the arrival of mobile devices, health care industry has faced many problems. Let us consider a case of a doctor and a patient. Many patients lost their lives just because they do not get proper treatment at the right time. Possibility of miscommunication was more. Medical test results were available to patient very late. Emergency cases were not taken as an emergency due to unavailability of doctors or staff. If the doctor is travelling or out of station, then the patient has to wait until he came back.

For any information, patient has to visit the doctor’s place. This was like wasting of time and money. The patient cannot visit the pharmacist without having any prescription from the doctor. This makes patients become more dependent on doctors. Doctors cannot take any decision due unavailability of real data. Therefore, these are the few situations, which were very difficult to manage.

Healthcare Mobility: Changing the face of patient care

Mobility solutions improve the productivity and efficiency of health and life science organizations. It improves data security and reliability. It provides real time data on which you can make any decision on the spot. It reduces the cost of the organizations. It reduces the company expenses like printing documents, sending emails etc. Users having mobile devices in their hands always expect a quick response.

Mobile applications improve the response time that makes the communication far better. These devices satisfy the expectations of the users. It delivers high returns on the investment to organizations. Life science companies are implementing mobile solutions in their day–to-day operations involved in marketing and sales, distribution, device design, clinical development, product research, customer experience, supply chain, and customer engagement. The Life science companies complete most of the transactions using mobile technologies.

Mobility healthcare

Proving the real time healthcare services by hospitals, clinics and other institutions become more reliable and more effective with right mobility solutions. A lot of time and money of the can be saved by those organizations, which are saved using mobile devices. It reduces paper work of employees. Employees can securely access documents, emails, and complete transactions on mobile devices. Mobile applications can be easily integrated with the existing system of health and life science organizations.

Proper checkups and monitoring through Mobility Solutions

Mobile devices and mobile PCs have been growing in a big pace due to patient self-monitoring and wellness. Many healthcare providers are faced with the task of protecting the privacy of patient information and ensuring the interoperability between patient and their clinic’s operations.

It also reduces operational expenses and help doctors to make better health decisions, and take a more active role in managing their wellness. With the implementation of mobile technologies, life science companies are maximizing their sales, and doctors can easily track their patient’s vital data, and get alerted signals in real time for patients’ risks.

Most of People take care of what they should eat and what not to eat, while travelling and wish to remain fit and fine. Through mobile applications, they can get information about their diet, illness, medicines etc.  They can also monitor health issues and access medical test results on mobile devices.


Adopting mobile applications in health care organizations help vendors and hospitals to communicate quickly and easily. Mobile health care solution mobilizes hospital workflow. Healthcare professionals can access a patient’s medical records from anywhere at any time. Patients can schedule and cancel their appointment anytime. They can also check availability of the doctors before scheduling an appointment.

Mobile application manages doctor information; patient information, employee information, billing information, and payer information at one go. Based on the correct data doctors can access real time information to take instant decisions and provide a necessary prescription to their patients. Doctors can access patient information outside the hospital walls also. Delay in response to patient can increase the life risk and financial and administrative burden. Mobility improves the standard of patient care. In today’s time, the workspace of mobile healthcare provider can be anywhere like hospitals, at home or at the clinic.

With the help of mobile devices, healthcare facilities of people are improving a lot and many patients have saved their lives in the real time.  A heart patient receives immediate treatment with the help of mobile devices. In case of accidents, immediate call is given to emergency services to get immediate treatment. The emergency service provider collects basic details on call so that he or she can take immediate action when the patient reaches the hospital.

Sometimes aged people forgot to take medicines on time in that case they get reminders about their medicine three times a day via mobile phones. If the patient wants any medicine details like where it’s available, how much it cost, how many times it should be taken in a day and what are the side effects of it can be easily taken on their mobile device. He can get those details immediately on mobile devices and make necessary arrangement for their treatment. You can easily alert people about any virus spreading in the city, and what care should be taken to be away from those infections? Mobile applications implemented in hospitals, connect patient, doctor and insurance company. If the patient has a medical claim, then the doctor can directly contact the insurance company for the patient claim.  Billing information about a patient can be available on mobile devices easily. He can easily make the payment of bills through mobile devices by connecting to gateways of banks and other financial institutions. The electronic prescription facility helps patients to get medicine from a pharmacist without taking prescription details by going to the doctor. Mobility solutions help patient to remain free from collecting prescriptions and claim documents and Patients to enter their information electronically.


In this way, mobility brings revolutionary changes in healthcare and life science industries. Not only has it assisted their operations, but also it has optimized Clinical Workflow and Medical Records. With support of mobility applications, the enterprises have the better collaboration by note taking, annotation, and wireless connectivity, to create new opportunities for sharing information and consulting with colleagues.

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