IoTConnect: The optimal IoT platform for the connected world

IoTConnect: The optimal IoT platform for the connected world
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Influenced with Industry 4.0, every organization is adopting IoT for elevating its business and improving processes to achieve better results. However, implementing IoT in a business is not an easy job. It involves many challenges as an organization moves forward from an idea to a final product. To assist businesses to achieve their goals with the help of IoT, Some of the industry leaders came up with an idea of developing an IoT platform which encompasses an entire IoT ecosystem as per organization’s requirements.
One such platform designed and developed by Softweb Solutions to minimize the complexity of implementing IoT is IoTConnect. It enables device communication and management, data storage, app creation and enablement, robust security protocols and implementation of data science methodologies.

There are many IoT platforms available in the market today under the banner of some tech giants, but what makes IoTConnect so different from other IoT platforms? What makes it stand out of the line from all the other IoT platforms?

“IoT platform revenue will reach $2.0 billion in 2017, growing to $83.4 billion by 2025 at a compound annual growth (CAGR) of 59%.” –MachNation

Let’s have a look at the features of IoTConnect that defines its distinction;

Parallel device management

The number of devices connecting today has reached the seventh sky. As more devices are layered onto the enterprise technology infrastructure, it requires flexible, horizontal device management systems that can seamlessly onboard and offboard devices. IoTConnect organizes and unifies disparate machine-to-machine devices and their virtually limitless end-points.

Maximizes data management

IoTConnect helps organizations to manage their matrices of connected devices, sensors, gateways, actuators and many others. The platform also helps businesses to monitor the data generated from all the connected devices and helps in generating actionable insights from them. IoTConnect can process, analyze, expunge and deliver rich insights in real-time.

Improved security

In the present market scenario, safeguarding data and IoT network is quite crucial. It’s very essential for any organization to have IoT security intact at every endpoint of an IoT ecosystem. IoTConnect helps enterprises to ensure the safety against any security breach which may cause the data to leak from the system. The IoT platform also enables the organizations to have updated strategies ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.


IoTConnect offers the required infrastructure to businesses to connect their assets, amass data and analyze it in detail. IoTConnect makes it possible by providing congestion-free device communication and management while complying with industry-grade security protocols.
Well, after all IoTConnect is the only IoT platform available in the market that comes with a robust device management system and built-in analytics that allow you to connect and manage devices with little to no coding.
This bring us to the benefits of IoTConnect which prove the fact that why IoTConnect is unique from other IoT platforms available in the market. So here we go;


Hassle-free development and deployment

IoTConnect offers a package of SDKs to the developers which in turn help them to develop and deploy innovative apps and solutions. The developed apps deliver real-time operational data and actionable insights which enhance the efficiency of managing assets. Softweb Solutions has designed IoTConnect to ease down the business processes for organizations. As a result, you can create and manage an IoT app easily and rapidly.

Smooth integration

IoTConnect make it easy to integrate third-party tools like ERP/CRM systems within an existing IoT environment. This provides businesses with the flexibility to expand their range of terminals depending upon the nature of the business. IoTConnect simplifies the discovery of APIs for developers and offers them access to enterprise data which in turn helps them to develop apps swiftly. It also provides valuable operational data which can be utilized to manage and optimize the business.


Softweb’s IoTConnect platform provides a hassle-free connectivity of the devices in an IoT ecosystem. The platform supports connectivity options like BLE, ZigBee, Wi-Fi and LORA, which allow the data to flow smoothly from one terminal to another. This altogether enhances the scalability of the solution resulting in better value generation.
Building a complete IoT ecosystem that enables development of industry solutions can be a huge undertaking for even the most resourceful organizations. With IoTConnect, enterprises can kick-start their IoT journey as the platform enables them to rapidly build, securely host and deploy, and effectively operate industrial apps. With our platform, you don’t have to create the Internet of Things from scratch as it offers a jumping-off point by interfacing many different tools required for an effective deployment of IoT solutions- from remote device management to prediction.
IoTConnect is an IoT platform that can capture and analyze huge amounts of data by enabling enterprises to securely connect a wide range of data sources, devices, sensors, equipment, and control systems. Once all connected devices are functional, the aggregated data goes through a series of processes like filtering, analyzing and storing. Following these processes, with the help of powerful data visualization tools the data is transformed into easy-to-understand reports and is provided to the related stakeholders, helping them to improve decision-making.
To know more about Softweb Solutions’ IoT platform, please click here.

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