Digital workplace: Embrace a new way of working in the era of COVID-19

Digital workplace: Embrace a new way of working in the era of COVID-19
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The evolution of the digital workplace has been going on for a long time now but the sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has finally driven organizations worldwide to adapt to the new way of working – remote work. While most organizations have already embraced a remote work environment, a few multinational companies are still grappling to transition to the all-new digital work culture from their traditional brick-and-mortar environment.

“Before the pandemic, 70% of companies either had a digital transformation in place or were working on it. But the global outbreak forced most enterprises to ramp up and embrace a new virtual work environment.”– Tech Pro Research

If your enterprise is yet to begin the digital workplace transformation journey, then you have stepped into the right place. Our team of experts has created a practical guide to help your organization seamlessly initiate your digital workplace transformation journey during the current crisis and beyond to become more productive and ensure business continuity.

Here’s what you will get from this practical guide:

  • What is a digital workplace
  • How the pandemic has accelerated digital workplace adoption
  • How your business can ramp up COVID-19 workforce response
  • How to embrace remote collaboration
  • How to set-up a robust connected virtual office

The topmost priority for any organization should be to accelerate the remote working experience of their workforce. This calls for the rapid creation of a digital-first enterprise and the adoption of remote collaboration tools to ensure the same.

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