Game of Thrones s6ep9 – Analysis of over 300,000 tweets proves that it was an epic episode

Game of Thrones s6ep9 – Analysis of over 300,000 tweets proves that it was an epic episode
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Warning: Contains major spoilers for this episode (duh!).

In episode nine, Battle of the Bastards, there were only two storylines. In Meeren, Daenerys uses her dragons to defeat the masters’ navies. Later Yarra and Theon arrive and swear their loyalty (and ships) to Daenerys.

At Winterfell, an epic battle ensues between the two bastards, Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton. Bolton is killed, but not before he murders Rickon. Petyr Baelish arrives with the Knights of the Vale and Sansa by his side in the nick of time and saves the day.

Key findings from our data analysis of Game of Thrones season 6, episode 9

We analyzed 325,882 tweets from June 20, 00:00:01 to June 21, 18:31:56 UTC. This included 130,142 original tweets and 195,740 retweets. The most retweeted tweet was about Wun Wun the giant.


The second most popular one was about Jon Snow and the third one was again about Wun Wun, which also included Hodor.

User @jon_snow_420 seems to be the most popular when it comes to total number of likes for his tweets while @GameofThrones1v had the highest number of tweets in the duration that we analyzed GoT related tweets.


Our data analysis of fan tweets shows that the number of tweets spiked in the last 20 minutes of the episode when the battle reached the climax and the Starks seemed to be on the verge of defeat.


Jon Snow along with Sansa and Wun Wun dominated the word cloud based on the tweets that we analyzed.


The linguistic breakdown of the tweets is shown in the pie chart given below.



Another interesting fact that we found was that while the critics were calling this a “girl power” episode, most of the show’s fans were not concerned with analyzing the show along issues of gender privilege. Very few of the tweets were made using terms commonly associated with female empowerment.


Come back next week to find out how Twitter users are reacting to the season finale.

Check out our data analysis of Twitter users for the previous episodes here –

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Game of Thrones s6ep7 – Data analysis of 171,000 tweets shows fans liked the first few minutes the most

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If you want to know what people are saying about your brand on the various social media channels, reach out to us for custom social analytics solutions.

Co-author: Shail Deliwala, Data scientist at Softweb Solutions

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