Get ready for Mobilegeddon- The latest Google search update

Get ready for Mobilegeddon- The latest Google search update
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Google, which dominates the online search, is all set to make a rare change to its search algorithm on 21st April 2015. The day has been coined as “Mobilegeddon” by the community. Does this mean that people who use this search engine on their smartphone and mobile devices may not find their favorite websites at the top of the rankings? Probably, yes. The websites that haven’t been updated may get ranked lower, causing a huge loss to their business.

Who will get affected by the new algorithm?

A lot has been talked about responsive websites and with this new algorithm; companies without a mobile-centric website will surely suffer. Despite Google’s warnings about two months ago, it seems that website owners are still unprepared for mobile websites. On the other hand, the change is a good news for consumers as it compels the organizations to make their websites mobile-friendly and more usable on smartphones and mobile devices.

The need for Responsive website

Still not convinced with the responsive websites? Think of the last time you tried to view a site on your mobile phone and you had to zoom in and zoom out and had a difficulty in accessing the entire site. It’s annoying and frustrating. So, this is the main reason why Google is making efforts to stamp out.

Google said in a statement that it is doing this because it wants the consumers to “find content that’s not only relevant and timely, but also easy to read and interact with on smaller mobile screens.” This update will not affect the desktop or tablet searches.

The Solution

If you’re not sure whether your website is mobile-ready or not, here’s what you can do:

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

You can enter your website URL into Google’s Mobile-Friendly tool and you’ll see a green banner if the website is mobile-friendly. If the website doesn’t pass, Google will indicate that the page is not mobile-friendly.

Responsive websites are fluid, meaning that the content moves freely across any screen resolution. Just as liquid spreads all over the available space, responsive websites adapt themselves according to the space available on the screen. This enables the visitors to view the entire content of the website on their favorite device and offers a great user experience. An improved and consistent user experience will impact your conversion rate and improve the sales.

The search engine giant has not revealed the figures on the percentage of web searches that are likely to get affected, but the fall of non-mobile friendly websites is a sure thing. So, what’re you waiting for? Make sure that your most important web pages are indexed as mobile friendly before it gets too late! Contact us now to know how we can help you make your website responsive.

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