Hotels and beacons: Enhancing the customer experience

Hotels and beacons: Enhancing the customer experience
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Imagine our future cities developed with a technological infrastructure that supports connected Internet through sensor devices together for monitoring energy use, temperature, traffic etc. The advancement of technology will bring better consumer experiences to generations.  In such scenario, tech and city will be connected through Beacons.

Beacons, these low-cost pieces of hardware, have a huge potential to revolutionize experience across industries- retail, manufacturing, productions and logistics, event organizers, enterprises and other businesses. Beacons will bring the process an automation that provides better customer experience. The hotel and hospitality industry is a space where customer experiences count most. For the betterment of various hospitality management systems and the ultimate customer experience, Beacons will really transform the way we do business today.

How Hotels Can Use Beacons to Enhance Guest Experiences

Imagine hotels enlivened through Beacons which will open up new possibilities for hotels and resorts by utilizing geo-fencing. In combination with your hotel app, Beacons can make many hotel formalities like room service, staff contact, and in-room entertainment more interactive. If the hotel industry were to adopt Beacons, it would become a personal valet.

Revolutionizing guests’ experience at hotels, Beacons drew their attention because of the ability to help businesses to gain deep insight on consumer behavior, intelligence, effectiveness, forecasting, and staffing needs. Beacons also evaluate promotion and merchandising that directly impact sales. Previously, Beacons applications related to retail, stadiums, theme parks, museums and events etc., but, nowadays the hotel industry is among the top level businesses where guest experiences count most.

Starwood Hotels and Resorts pilot keyless entry into rooms using beacons

Starwood Hotels & Resorts is implementing a new pilot program that will see two key hotel locations in Manhattan and Silicon Valley allowing guests to enter their rooms with their smartphones.

How hotels can use Beacons to enhance Guest Experience

Improving customer engagement with beacons can really change the dimension of your hotel industry. Keep in mind that continuous messages can harm your credibility and users may be motivated to uninstall the app. Place Beacons properly and start engaging customers with suitable offers, notifications, and alerts. Here is a list of things that you can deploy Beacons to efficiently manage:

  • Check-In/ Check-Out
  • Room and Indoor Navigation
  • Keyless Entry into Rooms
  • In-Room Controls
  • Room Service
  • Offers and Loyalty Programs
  • Analytics
  • Customer Insight
  • Staff Productivity

Hotels can give their guests an exquisite experience by connecting Beacons with their customized app. They can collect data about the particular guest and deliver service as per their preferences. Stay updated with the latest technology trend sand prepare to give your guests a cherished experience.

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