How smart retail will influence the consumer decision-making process

How smart retail will influence the consumer decision-making process
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The never-ending efforts to know how and why consumers act in a certain way make the consumer behavior a hot topic for retailers. That’s why understanding how to influence the buying behavior of consumers has always been of great interest. No doubt, after the ‘retail apocalypse’ began in 2010, brick-and-mortar retailers have broken their records for store closings.

But do you know this? Even today, every week:

  • 42% of Gen X’ers shop in a store
  • 47% of millennials shop both online and in a store
  • 33% of boomers visit a store’s physical location
  • according to the latest study by Oracle Bronto, meaning brick-and-mortar stores are still alive and kicking.

    Thus, capturing the moments that matter in the consumer decision-making process and the factors expected to influence those touch points can prove as the competitive advantage for physical stores. This whitepaper will help you to understand how to reach consumers at the instants that most impact their decisions in favor of your products, services, and businesses.

    With this whitepaper, you will learn:

    • A traditional consumer decision-making process
    • How smart retail will influence the consumer decision-making process
      • Customer segmentation
      • Personalized content
      • Marketing with geo-fencing and beacons
      • Data-driven strategies
    • Some eye-opening findings from our survey

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