Top 3 challenges and opportunities of implementing Blockchain

Top 3 challenges and opportunities of implementing Blockchain
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Blockchain holds and offers vital prospects for transforming the present modes of payment, sources of revenue, and supply chains. Blockchain technology is the foundation of cryptocurrencies, and it facilitates them to function without any third party. Various other sectors like stock markets, power grids, social networks, and energy industry, etc. can even use blockchain technology, which has the capability to track all the transactions automatically and the potential to transmit any information anywhere.

Blockchains are driven by consensus. Many computers are linked with the network, and it is a mandatory practice to solve a mathematical proof for those who add to blockchain to prevent risks of malicious transactions. The results are shared with all the computers that are connected to the network and it is essential for all the connected computers to agree on the solution. This is how the process goes on, and hence it is termed as consensus. A blockchain development company can help you to develop blockchain technology for your business, which will provide you with secure and transparent records of transactions.

blockchain tech implementation

The opportunities with blockchain

Cost reduction

Whether it’s an individual or a company, everyone performs several transactions and verifications that need analysis and a lot of time. Blockchain technology can be implemented instead, and it can reduce such a time-consuming process due to its transparency. This will eventually reduce the cost of verification and transaction.

blochchain technology development


The decentralization aspect of blockchain states that it does not depend upon any central point of control. This makes the system significantly secure. Blockchain uses advanced consensus protocols through the network to authorize transactions and record data in an incorruptible manner. The blockchain helps to transfer assets and information directly based on a dispersed ledger.

Smart contracts

Blockchain allows self-executing contracts known as smart contracts. These smart contracts can be automated to execute a financial transaction based on certain conditions. And the transaction will be executed once these conditions are met. With the help of these contracts, you can exchange information in the form of codes with transparency.

Blockchain has a secure and strong construction which guards against powerful attacks. It gives transparency of transactions and has a beneficial influence on pricing in the market. It facilitates more accurate tracking of payment histories and decreases the risk of defaulters.

The challenges associated with blockchain


Due to the extensive increase in the number of users, blockchains face difficulty in supporting the users on the network effectively. The leading blockchain networks, both Bitcoin and Ethereum, have experienced the reduced speed of transaction and greater fees charged per transaction due to the huge increase in the number of users. Hence, the methods of scaling have to be verified and carefully examined prior to the implementation to the ledgers.

Energy Consuming Mechanisms

Most blockchains use proof-of-work (PoW) to attain consensus. And since PoW includes the use of computing capability of the machine to solve the mathematical problem for verification of a transaction for adding it to the blockchain, it consumes a lot of energy.

The miners that work to validate transactions in the Bitcoin blockchain consume about 0.2% of the global electricity total per annum, which is very high. And it is estimated that by 2020 the electricity requirement of the Bitcoin network will be greater than the electricity that the whole world consumes.


Blockchain networks are susceptible to a 51% attack. The large blockchain networks would hardly get affected but such situations are possible where the miners control more than 50% of the mining power. There, the miners would have the capability to control the authorizations of new transactions, mostly by other miners and would even be able to reverse the transactions.

The Bitcoin blockchain is designed in a manner that it is visible publicly. And the transaction related information can be viewed by anyone. Except for the privacy-centric coins, this is the same for almost all the existing blockchains. And it becomes a big responsibility when the distributed ledgers are used in sensitive settings. Despite of the fact that the blockchain reduces costs, it is a bit expensive when it comes to legacy systems since it is difficult to integrate it with them. The main challenge faced with blockchain technology lies in the lack of its awareness and the lack of an understanding on how it functions.

Blockchain for Business: How This Booming Technology is Benefiting Corporations

Applying blockchain for supply chain management is one of the significant ways of its implementation. In this situation, blockchain tracks the origin, quantity and movement of goods, simplifies transfers and improves transparency and competence.

Other important applications are through quality assurance, accounting departments, energy supply and smart contracts.

Take a quick look at blockchain infographics for detailed information.

It is definitely true that blockchain has the potential to change the way we do banking and modify the conventional interbank. Blockchain can open up opportunities to substitute current mechanisms for interchanging financial information and processing customer records.

There are various challenges that must be addressed beforehand in order to witness a real change in financial services by using this technology. Businesses need to be prepared for adapting and transforming their services accordingly. Blockchain gives prospects for numerous advantages and supports enterprises in advancing their business procedures and overcoming crucial challenges by adding trust, security, and transparency.

Our company provides state of the art enterprise blockchain consulting services and a turn-key approach for our clients. We help you with blockchain development consulting, improving marketing services, raising capital, realizing the potential opportunities, and creating a blockchain strategy for enhancing your business.

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