Why is Magento the best platform to build an omnichannel retail portal

Why is Magento the best platform to build an omnichannel retail portal
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The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its implementation into almost every sector is building people’s trust in new technologies. As a result, more businesses are willing to invest in modern technologies and experience the benefits that this implementation is bringing about.

Talking about the retail industry, it is imperative to provide a seamless experience to customers. And when it comes to omnichannel retail, it becomes very important to build an amazing shopping portal for a splendid outcome.

With the integration of several ground-breaking technologies like IoT, etc. customers are already getting convenient experiences, and this has raised their expectation of receiving more comfortable shopping experiences.

Many small and large enterprises are now focusing on the omnichannel approach to increase their global customer outreach for generating greater sales. Omnichannel retail gives retailers the facility to build a great shopping portal and fulfil their customers’ demands and use technology to strategize the best business plans.

Magento gives online retailers the most innovative solutions to accomplish their business goals. To provide such great experiences, online retailers must leverage Magento consulting services and incorporate the Magento platform to enhance the process of omnichannel retail.



Why the omnichannel strategy is becoming popular in retail?

Having witnessed past shopping scenarios, we are well aware of how the integration of present-day technologies in retail has made shopping a convenient and comfortable process and experience. Gone are the days when people used to walk into a brick-and-mortar retail store for buying things. It was difficult for many reasons like people had to travel and visit the local stores, sometimes what they needed was out of stock and they had no medium to confirm the availability before traveling and visiting the store themselves, etc.

With the facility of omnichannel retail, it has become easy for people to shop as per their suitability. Moreover, every retailer faces different challenges in handling their operations and enhancing their sales, hence their requirement even differs from each other. So, the one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t always work, and they need a customized solution to their specific business problems. Here, Magento omnichannel comes into the picture. Magento helps retailers to build open-source e-commerce platforms as per their business needs and helps them to provide the flexibility and convenience that their customers demand.

Companies with extremely strong omnichannel customer engagement, retain on average 89% of their customers, compared to 33% for companies with weak omnichannel customer engagement. – Aberdeen Group

Let’s go through some interesting facts to understand why Magento is the best platform to build an omnichannel retail portal:

1. Customizable extensions and features

Magento is the best option to build a feature-rich website. It offers a wide range of extensions and features and provides a seamless omnichannel experience. Magento gives you the option to add additional functionality to tailor your site as per your unique business needs and it also keeps updating new features more often. Omnichannel e-commerce development on the Magento platform keeps your existing retail store updated and future-ready.

2. Responsive design

The creation of responsive designs of online stores is easy with Magento 2 and this makes your online portal compatible with almost all the mobile devices and browsers. This gives your customers a seamless shopping experience irrespective of the mobile device and browser that they use to browse your online store and make a purchase.

3. Third-party integration with Magento

Magento is compatible with a wide range of third-party modules and hence it is a great platform for omnichannel retail store development. With Magento, it is easy to augment the functionality to your online business portal by integrating it with various third-party extensions like:

  • Product attachments
  • Product inquiry
  • Product reviews
  • Best deals
  • Most viewed products
  • Advanced sorting, etc.

4. Social media integration

Nowadays, the integration of social media platforms has become integral to increasing the outreach of your business. Magento gives you the facility to easily integrate various social media platforms with your online store into a single stream. This allows you to take control of that stream and the data generated by it which in turn helps you in improving customer service.

With Magento in place, you can pull certain social channels for better operations and business benefits. This not only increases your profits, but it also makes it easy for your customers to share your website and digital products with their contacts. This eventually leads to a rise in the number of people visiting your website and results in greater sales.

5. In-store experience

Online shopping portals offer a convenient shopping experience, but one small challenge is to change the mindset of people from traditional methods of shopping. Magento helps you to bridge this gap by delivering a unified shopping experience. It helps you to build an online business portal that gives your customers the feel of a physical store along with the convenience of an online store.

Customers can browse your online business portal, choose products and add them to their cart. Once they are done adding products, they can choose the best suitable payment and delivery options.

Repeat customers spend 300% more money than one-time buyers. Return customers are also likely to buy your more expensive products or services. – www.investopedia.com

6. Mobile/shopping app

You can leverage IoT-based mobility solutions for your omnichannel retail business. There are various types of Magento 2 extensions available, few of which are mentioned above, that you can integrate with your online portal to offer a variety of options for payments, shipping, delivery, feedback, etc.

7. Order completion

Timely order delivery is one of the most important parts of providing a seamless shopping experience to your customers. When you build your online retail store on Magento 2, you get real-time insights to keep a track of orders and deliveries. This helps you to monitor and speed up the process of order deliveries. As stated earlier, greater customer satisfaction will eventually increase your customer reach and sales, as well as ensure a higher customer retention rate.

E-commerce giants using Magento

eBay: eBay, the well-known online marketplace owns Magento. And when you build your omnichannel online retail store with Magento, you can automatically link your Magento store to eBay and sell on eBay.

Amazon: Amazon is the largest online retail store in the United States of America. And Magento offers numerous extensions to sell your goods on Amazon. Their compatibility and the presence of your omnichannel online retail portal will make a great pair and help to flourish your business.

How to get started?

Having known the various advantages of building your omnichannel online store with Magento, you must know the right approach to begin with it. When you build something from scratch, it takes a lot of time and trials. Moreover, it incurs a heavy cost as you will have to hire an expert team for the successful development of your website. Hence, it is always advisable that you leverage Magento development services from an industry-leading service provider and achieve your business goals quickly.

At Softweb, we have vast experience delivering successful solutions in the Magento e-commerce platform, so we can customize your Magento store by covering all your business aspects.


Magento omnichannel retail platforms are suitable for large and small businesses across different industries. The latest version Magento 2 facilitates the seamless development of the Magento omnichannel retail store. It gives real-time insights into your inventory through multiple channels. Moreover, it brings retailers, dealers, customers and investors together, and keeps them updated with the latest developments about e-commerce feature stores. Are you planning to build your omnichannel online store with Magento? If not, consider it now and use Magento development services because you don’t want to stay behind your competitors. To know more, get in touch with our experts.

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