Real-world use cases of virtual reality and how you can use it to expand your business

Real-world use cases of virtual reality and how you can use it to expand your business
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Unless someone has come from a different planet, not having heard of virtual reality is rare today. The web is overflowing with information about VR and its products; and with the launch of each new VR device, it is gaining even more popularity. This clearly means that 2016 will be the year of virtual reality. Right from the Oculus Rift through Samsung’s Gear VR to HTC’s Vive, every VR product comes up with its own new components and features delivering a rich immersive VR experience that turns customers’ heads.

According to Statista, By 2020, virtual reality hardware and software market size is expected to be $5.2B and $24.5B respectively.

Let’s take a step back to define VR in short. Virtual reality is an experience that takes you into an immersive world that you could never have imagined. Sitting in your office chair, while you are just about to get to work, VR can take you on a virtual vacation. While VR is doing its best in medicine and healthcare, it is also doing wonders in military training and education. At the same time architecture, engineering, manufacturing, product development and construction industries have opened their doors for virtual reality.

Such versatility is one of the main reasons why small and big companies have started adopting virtual reality. Let’s take a look at some of the world-famous companies that have started using VR:




IKEA is enabling its customers to design their own kitchen around them. “Virtual reality is developing quickly and in five to ten years it will be an integrated part of people’s lives…it could be used to enable customers to try out a variety of home furnishing solutions before buying them…”, Jesper Brodin (Managing Director of IKEA).

2. McDonalds

McDonalds VR


McDonalds has released its own cardboard VR headsets, “Happy Goggles” made out of its foldable Happy Meal box. A pair of VR lenses is then inserted in the cardboard and is used with the smartphone to enjoy VR experiences.

3. Six Flags

Six Flags


Samsung has partnered with Six Flags to augment current rides with 360 degree virtual worlds. So, now the names of the rides like Tornado and Space Flight will no more be just the names. Riders will feel like they are actually in the space, thanks to the Samsung Gear VR headset!

4. Volvo



Test driving a car becomes a problem when a car dealer is not close by. That is when Volvo thought of test driving a car through virtual reality and made an app with the launch of XC90 SUV. It puts the driver in the cockpit and makes him feel as if he is taking a peaceful ride through the city.

5. Marriott



Marriott has partnered with Framestore VR Studio and Relevant to provide its guests a unique teleportation experience. This revolutionary 4D experience can take guests to Marriott Hotel first and then takes them to the beach in Hawaii or London. Although it doesn’t feel like actually being there, it can help you decide on to your future trips.

More and more companies are coming up with the new ways to integrate VR in their businesses in a way that it can benefit customers and employees.

Let’s take a look at how you can take advantage of virtual reality in an easy and affordable way.

  • Conduct interviews virtually

HR departments can make the most out of virtual reality, as it can be used to interview candidates face to face in a virtual conference room. Large companies can even set up remote offices where candidates can visit and use a VR headset to give interviews. One important reason this would work is that the interviewer will be able to see how the candidate reacts to a question through his facial expressions and body language.

  • Make complex training sessions simple

Experts predict that trainers will use VR extensively in the next 5 to 10 years. Using VR, training sessions can be recorded easily. This will help trainees to look around the room, interact with the objects and talk to people in the room virtually. This will lead to better session recording and training.

  • Reduce business travels and be a part of meetings virtually

Companies have to spend too much for business travel. Commuting also wastes a lot of time. So, if someone wants to be a part of a meeting, miles away, all he needs is a VR headset. Using the VR goggles, he can be a part of a face to face meeting sitting in his office. On the other hand, if someone is on a business trip or working from home and wants to be present in a meeting at office, all he would need to do is put on his VR goggles and tap into the meeting straight away.

Businesses across the world are embracing the power of emerging technologies like augmented and virtual reality to take customer satisfaction to the next level. So, before your competitors take over, embrace virtual reality and use it to transform your business.

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