20 Must-have Sensors for Creating a Smart Factory

20 Must-have Sensors for Creating a Smart Factory
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The Internet of Things is changing the manufacturing industry and sensors are at the heart of IoT solutions. The biggest part of creating a smart factory is implementing sensors and sensor connectivity.
Sensors plugged into the right places along the production floor can give factory supervisors valuable data in real-time and help them take control of processes that exceed predefined parameters and shut them down. The alerts can be sent to the desktop in the supervisor’s cabin or on his smartphone so that he has access to the information from anywhere.
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All the data collected by these sensors is carried to the cloud with Internet gateways and can be analyzed and acted upon to improve not just worker and plant safety but also to increase productivity. Predictive analysis, real-time monitoring, mobile alerts and notifications are just some of the ways that the Internet of Things can make your factory a smart factory.
There are five key reasons for companies increasingly implementing IoT-enabled solutions in their factories:

  • Shrinking hardware costs
  • Universal Internet connectivity
  • IoT ready devices and sensors
  • Easy to manage Big Data technologies
  • Cheaper cloud based services

In this white paper, we will focus on the different types of sensors used in the creation of a smart factory.

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