Why Xamarin Makes More Sense For Cross-Platform App Development

Why Xamarin Makes More Sense For Cross-Platform App Development
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The mobile landscape has been spreading like never before. The need for cross-functional mobile apps is increasing at a rapid pace. Traditional methods for cross-platform app development are giving way to Xamarin which promises flawless performance and layout across the three dominant mobile platforms, namely, iOS, Android and Windows Phone, as well as Mac and Windows apps. In addition, we compare Xamarin with other popular cross-platform development tools. Find out how your business can benefit with Xamarin.

Cross-Platform App Development

In this white paper you will learn about:

  • Introduction to Cross-Platform App Development
  • Mobile Apps Take Center Stage
  • Types of Mobile Applications
  • Top Cross-Platform Development Tools
  • Xamarin vs. Other Tools
  • Xamarin vs. Native
  • When Xamarin Makes More Sense

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