Real estate chatbot – 6 reasons for realtors to leverage it

Real estate chatbot - 6 reasons for realtors to leverage it
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Chatbot, chatbot everywhere! Chatbots are slowly taking their place in the real estate industry. In fact, many realtors are already interested in capitalizing on this technology. Chatbots have been identified as one of the strongest marketing tools to interact with visitors.

The growing digital world has increased consumers’ expectation from brands, and they nowadays expect brands to communicate at regular intervals with the right information. Realtors might struggle to meet the need of the hour. But thanks to the rise of chatbots, they can now provide the right information anytime!

Building a chatbot development for real estate will not replace the agent but instead assist the agent with relevant information about properties. With the use of a chatbot, website visitors can easily ask about any property instead of searching for information online. They can conveniently have a conversation with a real estate chatbot and receive reliable information faster.

Real estate bot

6 reasons to build a real estate chatbot

1. Immediate response – no waiting time!

Chatbots are always online, therefore, no matter which hour of the day you receive a new inquiry for the property, your chatbot can provide reliable information round-the-clock. It is very useful, as it can handle frequently asked questions (FAQs) and is one of the best options outside normal business hours. A chatbot can easily provide information to the visitor, while the real estate agent is unavailable. Realtors can also set auto-responders to take care of the lead and interact to provide information on an interested property.

2. Start an upfront conversation

A prompt response to the customer can result in great branding. A chatbot can initiate a conversation upfront with the visitor and interact with him while asking and answering questions. The Chatbot can quickly and effectively provide relevant property information to the visitor.

3. Collect information on inquiry

Each time a visitor is having a conversation with a chatbot, it is collecting information. It has the capability to easily generate a lead while collecting information in the database for the realtor. For instance, a property searching chatbot will help the user with searching to buy/sell a property, it will ask for a preference in location, type of house, number of bathrooms and more. All this information can then be analyzed by the realtor for future marketing campaigns.

4. Schedule property viewing

At the end of the conversation, a chatbot can also provide information about the assigned realtor of the interested property and take a request to schedule appointment. It will note the preferred date and time, and notify the real estate agent. In case the chatbot is unable to answer any particular question, it will easily direct the inquiry to a customer service or sales representative to take it further.

5. Improves inbound marketing campaign

A chatbot can smartly request and ask information from the website visitor and also direct them to take actions such as subscribing to the newsletter, contact property agent, fill up the relevant contact form and more. This information can help improve the realtors inbound marketing campaign as part of lead generation.

6. Provides 360-degree virtual walk-through of the property

The chatbot is capable of providing all kinds of information on any property. One of the extended functions of a chatbot is that it can show a 360-degree video of the interested property and allow the visitor to take a walk-through of the property immediately, without wasting time on waiting for an inside look.

The final say

Chatbot for real estate agents is already popular for engaging with website visitors. It can be used to provide the website visitor with property information, images, videos and virtual tours. Chatbots are more like assistants that work to interact and perform round-the-clock so that realtors don’t miss out on leads. Realtors can largely benefit using chatbots and easily turn visitors into prospects.

Do you wish to know more about real estate chatbots? Get in touch with our bot experts and learn more about how a real estate chatbot can be build.

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