Game of Thrones s6ep10 – One million tweets analyzed for the show’s season finale; verdict: explosive and shocking

Game of Thrones s6ep10 – One million tweets analyzed for the show’s season finale; verdict: explosive and shocking
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Warning: Contains major spoilers for this episode (duh!).

It has been almost a week since the show’s season finale, The Winds of Winter, has aired but our analysis of GoT fans on Twitter shows that the viewership is already pinning for the next season.

This time we analyzed over a million tweets (1,000,777 to be exact), totaling about 4 GB of data from June 24 to June 28. This was because the Twitterverse was hot with anticipation about what the episode would show.



Tweets collected for the four main hashtags related to GoT (pre-show)

Number of tweets: 103,816

Number of original tweets: 32,971

Number of retweets: 70,845

From: June 24, 2016 00:00:00

Until: June 25, 2016 23:59:59

The most popular tweet for this was from GoT’s official Twitter handle – @GameofThrones.


Tweets collected for the four main hashtags related to GoT (post-show)

Number of tweets: 725,544

Number of original tweets: 301,267

Number of retweets: 424,277

From: June 27, 2016 04:39:49

Until: June 28, 2016 12:15:19

The most popular tweet for this was from a fan account – @Daenerys


Tweets collected for these characters – Tyrion, Daenerys, Greyjoys, Lannister, Sansa, Jon Snow, Cersei

Number of tweets: 165,074

Number of original tweets: 90,433

Number of retweets: 74,641

From: June 24, 2016 17:51:18

Until: June 28, 2016 12:15:16

The two most popular English language tweets were about Jon Snow.



Tweets collected for these characters – Melisandre, Missandei, Tormund, Petyr, Littlefinger, Wun wun

Number of tweets: 6,343

Number of original: 3,702

Number of retweets: 2,641

From: June 24, 2016 00:00:01

Until: 2016-06-28 12:14:59

England’s loss to Iceland and its exist from Euro 2016 was also on the minds of GoT fans.


Twitter users that were tweeted at the most during conversations on the four main GoT related hashtags.


Graph created using NetworkX

English continues to be the most popular language in which tweets are made (62.9%) and Spanish comes second with 10.8%. But when calculating the languages of the top 25 most frequent tweeters, English-language users account for just 56% and Italians account for a whopping 24%, although their share in the total number of tweets is just 3.1%.


Users from the US (pop. 323 million), Brazil (pop. 209 million) and UK (pop. 65 million) wrote the highest number of tweets but surprisingly Twitter users from Greece (pop. 11million), were fourth with 24,743 tweets.


User @notamundane is the most popular when it comes to total number of likes for his tweets while @GameofThrones1v has the highest number of tweets.


GoT Last

Our analysis of the tweets also shows that the number of tweets spiked from 27 to 30 minutes during the episode runtime which covered Cersei looking at Tommen’s body and Sam reaching the Citadel. It again spiked during Daenerys’s and Arya’s scenes. The episode’s end scenes of Daenerys sailing towards Westeros and Cersei sitting on the Iron Throne again caused the tweets to spike.


At the end of this episode, most of the characters left in positions of power were women. Most of the reviews have talked positively about this development in the show and this time even Twitter users are talking about it in greater numbers as compared to the previous episodes. Almost 3% of tweets made about the show had terms that are commonly associated with female empowerment unlike last time when the figure was just a paltry 0.8%.


Jon Snow along with Daenerys and Cersei dominated the word cloud based on the tweets that we analyzed.


This concludes our data analysis of viewers’ reactions to Game of Thrones season six. You can check out our data analysis and visualizations for the previous episodes here –

Game of Thrones s6ep9 – Analysis of over 300,000 tweets proves that it was an epic episode

Game of Thrones s6ep8 – Data analysis proves that the middle and end parts of the episode were the most liked

Game of Thrones s6ep7 – Data analysis of 171,000 tweets shows fans liked the first few minutes the most

Game of Thrones s6ep6 – Data analysis of Twitter users reveals fans were not amused with this episode

Game of Thrones s6ep5 – Our text analytics shows Twitter users can’t hold back the tears this time

Game of Thrones season 6, episode 4 – Twitter users united in joy over the big reunion

Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker, se6,ep3 – a song of Twitter and Python

Twitter explodes in joy over you-know-who’s return in Game of Thrones season 6, episode 2

Sentiment analysis of how the Twitterati is reacting to Game of Thrones season 6, episode 1

If you want to know what people are saying about your brand on the various social media channels, reach out to us for custom social analytics solutions.

Co-author: Shail Deliwala, Data scientist at Softweb Solutions

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