Maintenance in manufacturing: productivity & efficiency can go hand-in-hand!

Maintenance in manufacturing: productivity & efficiency can go hand-in-hand!
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Smart manufacturing is rapidly transforming the competition on global level through connected devices and smart networks that optimize the productivity, efficiency and output by lowering the machine downtime.

How Industry 4.0 is a game changer for factory owners

Webinar agenda

  • How Industry 4.0 is a game changer
  • The role of IoT and data analytics in the manufacturing industry
  • IT/OT Convergence: Why it’s important for IoT adoption
  • Current market trends and value
  • Smart factory: The evolution not revolution
  • Demo and review of smart production line monitoring
  • Q&A session

ON Demand

We are moving forward with the smart machineries, connected networks, and smart environment to build something smarter- turning Big Data into intelligence and actionable insights for making manufacturing efficient and smart.
The manufacturing and production work is done with the help of smart technical equipment, which involves less manpower. Modern manufacturing is getting smarter day by day with the involvement of smart technology. Sensors, computer technology, Internet, connected devices and Big Data are transforming the way big enterprises used to produce or manufacture. Enterprise asset management has become significantly important in the modern manufacturing environment.



Maintenance in the Modern Manufacturing
Maintenance in the modern manufacturing has also become more efficient and easier. But there is a need to adopt suitable technology to make it more superior and feasible on a convenient basis.
The main purpose of maintenance is to ensure that all the machinery and equipment required for productions are operating at 100% efficiency all the time. And the maintenance process should be on a regular basis to ensure smooth manufacturing.

Machine, sensors and the Cloud technology have made it possible to maintain the manufacturing unit in a cost effective yet time efficient manner. There are many reasons why maintenance is becoming more and more important, especially for those enterprises or manufacturing units where old machines are operating.

Optimizing Application Development and Maintenance Can Cut Costs by 50% or More. -Gartner

The procurement of new equipment to ensure production quality, maintenance is important at all levels of processes. Now we can see that the maintenance is essential, but it does cost you a lot of money. Nowadays, all enterprises and organizations are interested in lowering the maintenance cost. Technology solutions can bring these two things together- maintenance and the cost. Also, real time problem solving solution is the current demand of many leading manufacturers. Some have already adapted to the new technology environment with the Cloud and sensor based technology solutions. Maintenance that is not carried out will cost more than money.

Case Study


A machine’s breakdown cost is really hard to measure. To prevent such loss technology can lift up your maintenance processes in an efficient way. Maintenance through daily inspections, cleaning, lubricating and setting up minor adjustment can avoid such disastrous problems. To assure 100% efficiency all the time one thing is sure that we need to keep the maintenance on regular basis. You need to keep all the record of changes after the last maintenance.

IoT and the Manufacturing Maintenance

IoT and the Manufacturing Maintenance

Internet of Things (IoT) – Sensors, machine, connected network, Cloud and the Internet give opportunity to warn of potential failures long before they may fail. Therefore, IoT gives you a chance to correct or eliminate the error before machineries stop production- manufacturing safety and maintenance needs smart plant instrumentation. Information management in a smarter way is the best solution for optimizing industrial and manufacturing plant maintenance. This includes sensors, big data, Cloud based network connected with smart devices like smartphones, etc. The entire process involves the consistent storage and retrieval of highly accurate information.

Softweb and Machine Maintenance

Softweb Solutions is working with companies on building numerous smart solutions for a smarter environment. The core aim is to create an intelligent maintenance system to predict and forecast equipment performance at zero break-down. To minimize machine failure and ensuring product development quality, Softweb is enhancing the manufacturing industry processes with the connected network, smart devices and Big Data.

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